Project management in Ibiza and Formentera

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What is Lean Team?

Simply put, LEAN means creating more customer value with fewer resources. The term "Lean" was coined to describe Toyota's business in the late 1980s by a research team led by Jim Womack, Ph.D., at MIT's International Engine Program.

Planning by levels:

Last Planner System

The Last Planner project management philosophy or planning by levels requires that work cannot begin until all critical pathways have been resolved (for example, an administrative license, a critical supply without a clear date of presentation on site, etc. ).

It is about planning from the most general to detail, down to the weekly detail of work execution, starting the planning from the end of the work and going backwards, not from the logical constructive beginning.

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Comprehensive planning, control and coordination of your project from the preliminary project phase to its commissioning: control of objectives, deadlines, costs and required qualities.

Contracting of works and services, management of purchases and supplies.

Operation and maintenance.

The fundamental thing is that the project team is made up of general technicians and specialists who proceed according to the project with extensive experience in similar works.

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